Blogs Will Save Newspapers
I listen to NPR every morning during my drive in to the office. This morning, I heard a story about how the Tribune Co., the nation’s second largest newspaper chain is up for sale. Newspapers are dying dinosaurs, but I am convinced they aren’t going to down without a fight. In fact, the Tribune Co. is being bought in-part by a billionaire family who owned a massive newspaper empire but sold it last year.
Why would a billionaire family who got out of the newspaper business last year be so anxious to jump back in?
They’re billionaires, so I’m sure they don’t need the money. Family pride might be a reason, but I think they know something that we don’t (or at least the public at large doesn’t know).
What could that be?
My money’s on newspaper blogs. Getting popular columnist to start blogging is a simple transition, and as ad dollars shift from print to online, the shift from papering to blogging is almost inevitable. And you don’t have to take my word for it. See this.
I’m sort of getting into investing and the stock market. Just like I should have bought a few shares of Apple when I first heard of the iPhone (because stocks soared 7% the day Jobs announced), I need to buy some shares of the company that buys the Tribune Co., because blogs are here to save the day.