Digg making news again. Again I don’t get it.

Digg is apparently going crazy right now because (I hope I get this right) someone posted the long access key to unlock HD DVDs. This is highly proprietary information, or at least it was, and so it was perfect Digg food. It zoomed to the top and Digg got a removal order. The fit really hit the shan when users found out that Digg gave into the notice, and took down the story.
At this point in the game, Digg has put it back up, and Kevin Rose is saying come what may.
There’s tons out there about this right now. Way, way, way more than I mention here, but this seems to be so big, that I thought I had to mention it here.
I may not get Digg, but Arrington puts it simply:
Until today, it seems, even Digg didn’t fully understand the power of its community to determine what is “news.†I think the community made their point crystal clear.
Vive La Revolution.