First BarCamp in Russia
We made it happen — First BarCamp in Russia!
The day of the conference was 4th of August, while Christopher Schultz was in Kazan, Russia at Flatsourcing-development department (that is located outside US for better cost/effective rate although it’s secure US-based entity with top quality standards).
Well, it was actually first BarCamp conference in Russia — we made it! Made people feel very comfortable, informal, we’ve broken all the walls and stereotypes of that Russians are very modest and shy to talk openly. It was even a surprise to me, how it looked similar to regular BarCamp that are happening in US, Europe and all over the world!
I definitely think we should do that one more time and meanwhile, please take a look at those materials that are available from the conference (copy-pasting from TatSoft web-site, blog that was covering the story in Russian):
Original conference official web-page: