How to Add MySpace Mojo To Your Blog:
This is a post I’ve been meaning to write for the last few weeks, and I know I’m not the first to point out what a great community building plugin MyBlogLog can be for your blog. There were rumors of a sale a couple weeks ago, and I see more and more people taking notice of MyBlogLog and adding it to their sites.
To me, MyBlogLog is a distributed community platform for your blog. In other words, you add it to your site, and bingo, instant MySpace Mojo. Since adding it to Voodoo Ventures, we’ve had a real spike in commenting, our readers are participating more and returning to our blog more often (which we really love).
I’ve been using MyBlogLog as both a discovery tool for new blogs that our readers author and read, and a way to communicate with our members. The messaging component of MyBlogLog is addictive, and I’ve already struck up interesting relationships with our blog readers from all over the world. Getting the email that I’ve got a new message or that someone has added me as a contact makes me as giddy as a schoolgirl on MySpace.
When we first added the MyBlogLog plugin to our site, I emailed Eric Marcoullier (the MyBlogLog equivalent of Tom on MySpace, your first friend when you join). I asked him for some tips on how to apply MyBlogLog in the best way to build our community. Here’s how he responded:
As far as building your community, there are four primary keys that we know of at this point:
Put up the reader roll on all your pages, including permalink pages so that you reach readers who find you via search engines
Post a big post asking your members to join your community and say *why* it’s important to you
Mention your community occasionally in other posts to keep awareness up and expose people who didn’t see the original message
Be an active participant in MyBlogLog, in both your community and others. Just surfing around will cause people to learn about you and stop by your site. With autojoin, when you turn an existing MyBlogLog member into a frequent reader, we quickly turn them into a member of your community :)
We highly recommend adding MyBlogLog to your site, or just becoming a member. We love seeing the pic’s of people stopping by our blog. Thanks again to our growing community. Keep in touch and let us know what you think.