Meet iCommissions (siteMighty’s first partner)
For those of you who don’t know, our offices are located in New Orleans. Far from the fervor of Silicon Valley or the pace of NYC, being a technology/Internet company in the deep south has it’s own set of challenges and rewards. One of the perks is getting the chance to work with people like the team at
We’ve been active in the affiliate marketing space for years, and have worked with iCommissions for a while now. When we made up our minds to start building siteMighty, we introduced the idea to iCommissions and without pause they committed to step up and help us any way they could.
Inviting their users to try and test siteMighty has proved to be invaluable as we learned (and continue to learn) a great deal about siteMighty from the user’s perspective. They told us what was working and what wasn’t which is exactly what we needed — honest, genuine feedback. Many of the features you see on siteMighty today have been tweaked, polished or suggested by an iCommission’s user.
iCommissions is located in Mandeville which is on the Northshore just across Lake Pontchartrain from us. We try to get up there as often as we can to talk about siteMighty, have lunch and drink in the crisp, lake front breeze.
We thought we’d post some pics from our last visit so you can get to know our good friends at
(Pictured: Natalie Yarbrough and Scot Rumsey of