Today’s email is short and sweet. In this age of acceleration, it feels hard to keep up with everything we need (or think we need) to do each week.
When starting a company, it's easy to get into a constant state of busyness. Techstars mantra, “Do more faster,” may seem like a good idea at first, but if you think about it, what good is doing more if you’re not doing the right things?
Anne and I started taking a Monday afternoon hike a few years ago. We spend it talking strategy and planning the most important things we want to get done that week.
Getting into a flow state while walking and talking outdoors is much more effective for deep discussion than a Zoom or conference room sesh. Movement helps us create a focus for our efforts.
My mantra: “Do less better.”
In today’s constant barrage of attention-seeking emails, apps, and meetings, it's easy for a week to slip by and leave you with the “What did I do this week?” feeling. Prioritizing what you really want to accomplish and getting it done each week is powerful. Even if you are doing less, it will be better, and it will be done. ✅
✌️& ❤️
- Chris
My colleague, Oleg, reminded me today that this aligns with the Pareto Principle, which states that for many outcomes, roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of causes.
This is exactly what I'm getting at, spend your energy continuously refinding what are the right things you can be doing, it might mean doing less, but if it is the right focus, it will have a higher impact.