Scene Magazine shouts out Launch Pad & Dear New Orleans pics

Scene Magazine recently covered Launch Pad in its coverage of the SXSW festival and the Louisiana delegation that was orchestrated by Net2NO to promote digital media and highlight the technology scene happening in New Orleans.
You can check out the digital edition of Scene here. (Very cool)
The final aspect of the hugely comprehensive festival was the SXSW tech scene. “For the second year in a row, New Orleans showcased authenticity, passion & community that has been brewing in the tech scene in Louisiana.” said Chris Schultz of Net2NO and Launch Pad. “The panel about ‘The future of work’ focused on the trend of co-working and highlighted Launch Pad which we are expanding to Baton Rouge and Lafayette this year. And the panel ‘Seed Accelerators’ gave us the tools we need to fill the seed capital gap in Louisiana and start competing on the national startup scene.”
It’s great to see the highlights of the Dear New Orleans pictures that Robert Fogarty took based on the sponsorship of the trip provided by TribeCon.