Written by me
Subject line: AI is an existential threat to our business.
When we realized that AI was a threat to our business, we immediately began to retool Flatstack around AI. The software paradigm is being transformed like I’ve never seen before.
AI innovation is moving even faster than Moore's law. ChatGPT 4.0 is outperforming 3.5 in just six months. Open-source LLMs are as capable as 3.5. How many products and jobs will be obsolete in 2-3 years?
I opened with “existential threat.” Why? Because if AI can write code, why do you need a software development company like Flatstack?
I’ve heard recent claims of AI-assisted development improving velocity by 10%-80%. Anything an engineer does that is algorithmic, ie: connecting front-ends to back-ends to scripts to processes, can and will eventually be done by AI.
Let me share our all-hands-on-deck strategy against certain doom: Everyone at Flatstack is on a continual learning curve to incorporate AI into all of our workflows. Everyone is developing skills above the API that require creativity, human comprehension, and strategy.
To be more concise, I’m using AI to help me write and market, our developers are using GitHub Copilot to code, and our designers are evolving from UI/UX to human-centered business analysts.
Does your business have software that requires data entry? Contracts? Chat interaction? Facial recognition? Training? Custom content (written, visual, video) creation?
Yes, AI can do that, and yes, we can help.
I’m pretty blown away by how fast this is moving, and like all innovation, it’s both an opportunity and a threat.
I’d love to schedule a call if you feel the same way. No obligation to work with us; I’m just trying to learn what you’re thinking about this disruption.
I'd love to set up a time to chat. Please reach out to me by replying to this email or booking a call here: https://calendly.com/cbschultz
Chris Schultz
PS: I wrote a blog post predicting this almost ten years ago called Software Eats Overhead. Where I wrote, “If your job can be done by software, your job is under attack.”
Written by AI
Subject line: AI is coming like a freight train. Are you ready?
*** DuetAI, which is already embedded in Google Docs, wrote this entire email for me (my only edits have strikethroughs. I’m A/B testing this version (entirely written by AI) with my version.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the world around us. From self-driving cars to facial recognition software, AI is already having a significant impact on our lives. And the pace of change will only accelerate in the years to come.
For businesses, this means that AI can no longer be ignored. It's an essential part of the future of business, and companies that don't embrace AI will be left behind.
If you're unsure where to start with AI or looking for help developing an AI strategy for your business, I can help. I run Flatstack, a software development company that specializes in AI. Already this year, we've helped dozens of several businesses of all sizes implement AI solutions that have had a major impact on their bottom line.
I'd love to set up a time to chat with you about your specific needs and how AI can help you achieve your business goals. Please reach out to me by replying to this email or booking a call here: https://calendly.com/cbschultz at email protected or phone number to schedule a call.
Chris Schultz
Call to action: Set up a phone call with me today to learn more about how AI can help your business.
And the winner is
Written by me: 24.5% Open Rate • 13 Clicks • 2 Unsubscribers
Written by AI: 23.7% Open Rate • 10 Clicks • 0 Unsubscribers
🏆 ME … even if Harper is a little suspect and thinks AI will eventually replace us all.